OOh La La, The Perfect Brew

How to Make Coffee with a French Press

The French press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a classic and simple way to brew delicious coffee with a rich and full-bodied flavor. In this guide, we'll take you through the steps of brewing coffee with a French press, so you can enjoy a perfect cup every morning.

What You'll Need:

  1. French press

  2. Freshly ground coffee beans

  3. Kettle

  4. Timer

  5. Stirring utensil

  6. Mug

Step 1: Measure and Grind Coffee

  • For a standard 8-cup French press, measure out 56 grams (about 8 tablespoons) of coffee beans.

  • Grind the coffee beans to a coarse consistency, similar to breadcrumbs.

Step 2: Heat Water

  • Heat water to just below boiling, around 200°F (93°C).

Step 3: Preheat the French Press

  • Fill the French press with hot water to preheat it. This helps maintain the brewing temperature.

Step 4: Add Coffee and Water

  • Discard the preheating water from the French press and add the ground coffee to the bottom.

  • Start your timer and slowly pour hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring all the grounds are saturated.

  • For an 8-cup French press, pour about 900 grams of water.

Step 5: Stir and Steep

  • Gently stir the coffee-water mixture with a wooden or plastic spoon to ensure even extraction.

  • Place the lid on the French press with the plunger pulled all the way up and let the coffee steep for 4 minutes.

Step 6: Plunge and Pour

  • After 4 minutes, slowly press the plunger down to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.

  • Pour the brewed coffee into your mug and enjoy!

Conclusion: Brewing coffee with a French press is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to enjoy a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. By following these steps, you can master the art of French press brewing and start your day off right with a perfect cup of coffee.